[REVERSED 08/02]Final Project: Ideas


Past p5.js sketch: Time https://editor.p5js.org/yd2512/full/L9uwTYi1a

Time shows how individuals change, build relationships and break them in a time river.

Basic Idea:

Based on Time, further develop the idea in an interactive project that allows the audience “jump into the river”, and somehow reflect on his/her own life experience,

Shows the changing and repetition of social networks in general in an abstract way.

Try to build an interactive installation。

Storyline Behind the idea:

Technology and Internet speed up everyone’s daily life. Nowadays, Y Generation, Z Generation, and the newest α Generation have the most opportunity to meet others. build connections with others and leave them ever. While everything goes fast, all the things seem less and less important. For this project, I want to represent this fact on a larger scale and show my attitude: Life is full of uncertainty. Carpe diem

Plan to realize it: (Dream Big Ver)

Reference (Big thanks to Carrie!): http://www.editkaldor.com/en/more_weboftrust.html

None Interactive Part: “Observation Mode” Realize this part first

  1. Follow the idea from Time, there will be a Time Rive as the main part, All the elements inside the river would flow from left to right

  2. Each circle would represent an individual, and lines between the circles show the “relationships”

    1. One step Further: Now lines have colors to imply different types of relationships( friends, parents. etc) and some colors would only appear once for each circle

    2. One step Further: Now the color of each circle would only change under certain situations. Eg: Build or break a relation

  3. Under this situation, the Neopixel LEDs would be in a flow mode like the river and their color changes based on environmental sound

Interactive Part: “Experience Mode”

  1. By Pushing the button, a circle representing the audience will appear at the start point of the time river and start moving towards the end.

  2. The circle and the relation line related to it would be highlighted

  3. The audience would control the circle up and down to meet the circles in the river. The relation line would be generated automatically and been recorded.

  4. Under this mode, the Neopicxel LEDs would be used as a progress bar to show the position of the circle in the river.

  5. When the circle reaches the end of the river, a “life record” would be generated for the audience based on the relation line that appear and disappear.

Bill of Materials (w/ Taobao Link):

Arduino Nano 33 IoT: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5-b-s.w4011-22842378479.101.486562f2UGkURH&id=618777140433&rn=f47e2733d5bbced3d94fd0921be19312&abbucket=17

Jump Wires: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-b-s.w4011-21581912015.63.115d5535V3sSQZ&id=14466195609&rn=1d350f666dcec74e08d95a2f0a8a711f&abbucket=4&skuId=3108214440214

Breadboard: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-b-s.w4011-21581912015.82.7d0e5535c1ddKD&id=25294220716&rn=ff445b4ab6cb9aed0135ead3f2c6b1b2&abbucket=4

Neopixel Strip: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.8149145.0.0.43b0522aboSauu&id=523924102690&_u=t28lheht1565

Potentiometer: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-b-s.w4011-21581912015.56.568d5535syNF2k&id=13301373896&rn=6221109aa62f09bf73ced85e8d1f1be3&abbucket=4&skuId=3769443540644

Resistors: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-b-s.w4011-21581912015.71.2b5b5535CDqIeM&id=13437610350&rn=4ddfda9a56815e25531b8f3f3e39e6b1&abbucket=4&skuId=4200257821634

Multimeter: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=604947300584&spm=a1z09.

Wire Stripper: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.

Light sensor: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=13675259263&spm=a1z09.

Microphone: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.


Behind “Dive in Time”


I/O:Force Sensing Showcase with adjustable LEDs