Loaf on Job Documentation

General Background

Loaf on Job is a website designed for Connections Lab - IMA Low Res Fall 2022.

Works for PC and mobile.

Website: https://yueqingdai.github.io/Connections-Labs/mid-term1/

Git: https://github.com/YueqingDai/Connections-Labs/tree/main/mid-term1

  • Note: No info is been collected during the use of the website.

Key concept and/or intention

There is a network language called “摸鱼(touch fish)“ which has the same mean as “Loaf on Job” in English. “摸鱼“ is commonly used in nowadays Chinese young workers because of the heavy and sometimes unfair work tasks they are facing. This word contains contemporary young people's resistance to injustice and yearning for freedom in a humorous way. To also show this attitude in English, I made this Load on Job. Sometimes you can just mess around and enjoy the trees and clouds outside the window. =)

Production decisions

The form I began with is task manager. Task managers are usually used for work, especially for heavy work with multiple tasks. However, I want to make a task manager for the mess around to create a sense of contrast.

Compare to the task manager, I want my website to be softer. So I need a warm main color. Then I saw the topic I chose: “LOAF“ on Job. Ta-da! The main color should be like bread! and also with many loaves inside! Who can say no to the delicious loaves =)

Then I need to decide what to show on the website. I start to question myself: what cheers me up at work? what makes me smile? what I am working for?

As a result, I choose these functions in three parts:

1.To money: countdown to payday, income/second

2. To Freedom: countdown to holiday and weekend

3. To happiness: jokes, puppies, memes

Major Challenges and Solutions(if applied)

  1. flex-box:

    I am still not familiar enough with the flexbox. It took me a lot of time to put the sections in the place I want them to appear. Go through a lot of different tutorials and websites. I finally reach my goal but I have to say I don’t really understand why it works.

  2. User Experience:

    1. Text: I realized that the text on the website sometimes is not clear enough for the user to read. I tried several solutions including large the font, adding shadows, changing the background color, etc. However, the result is still not good enough. Still need to learn more design technic in the future.

    2. Jokes: some jokes in the joke API are super bad and some are only for the programmers. I still need to find a way to make sure it is not offensive.

    3. Holidays: holidays now only works for the US. I’ve thought 2 potential solutions:

      1. let the users choose where they are.

      2. ask rights to get the country the uses in.

Potential Next Steps

  1. Add a login or “remember me” function, so the user only needs to enter the info once.

  2. Add a share function to the social media: the web can generate a “loaf of the day” with the puppies, jokes and memes and the user can post the img to their social media

  3. Allow the users to select where he/she is in.

  4. Screen out inappropriate jokes

  5. More interesting features =)

APIs used:

  1. Dogs

    1. Random dog images

    2. https://dog.ceo/dog-api/

  2. JokeAPI

    1. Jokes

    2. https://sv443.net/jokeapi/v2/#info/

  3. Nager.Date

    1. Public holidays

    2. https://date.nager.at

  4. board API

    1. random activities

    2. https://www.boredapi.com

  5. meme API

    1. 100 memes ordered by how many times they were captioned in the last 30 days.

    2. https://imgflip.com/api/


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